Javascript Objects
Table Of Contents
- The basics of a javascript object
- Add another key value to a javascript object
- Update and delete values in a javascript object
- Check to see if a javascript object is empty
- Check to see if a key exist in a javascript object
- Check to see if a value exist in a javascript object
- Loop a javascript object
- Copy a javascript object
The basics
The basics of a javascript object
// basic object
const obj = {
key: val
// nested obj and arrays
const product = {
id: "858fc585-0d23-4f55-b766-8c133d2922c7",
name: "Stileto high heels",
specificaions: {
colour: "red",
type: "shoe"
locations: [
{ id: 1, name: "Oxford Street", qty: 23 },
{ id: 2, name: "Regent Street", qty: 9 }
// with named keys. daft, but seems all the rage in go and python
const colours = {
red: { main: "red", subs: ["rogue","ruby"] },
blue: { main: "blue", subs: ["cyan","azure"] },
Add another key value to a javascript object
// start object
const obj = {
name: "John",
gender: "male"
obj['age'] = 54;
// new object will look like
name: "John",
gender: "male",
age: 54
Update and delete values in a javascript object
const obj = {
name: "John",
gender: "male",
age: 54,
address: {
street: "9 Infinite Loop",
country: "US"
contactDetails: [
{ type: "tel", value: "555-6666-6666" },
{ type: "instagram": "raynoppe" }
active: true,
// method 1 meh
obj["age"] = 23;
// method 2
obj.age = 21; = false;
// change the value of a nested object
obj.address.street = "1 Hyde Park";
// change the first value in a nested array
obj.contactDetails[0].value = "111-2222-3333";
// clearing a value
obj.gender = "";
obj.address.street = "";
// you can also null the value
obj.gender = null;
obj.address.street = null;
// delete a key pair from an array
delete obj.gender; // don't risk being non woke
delete obj["gender"];
Check to see if a javascript object is empty
const obj = {}
// my go to way
if (!Object.keys(obj).length) {
// object is empty
if (Object.keys(obj).length) {
// object is not empty
// old skool
if (Object.keys(obj).length === 0) {
// object is empty
Check to see if a key exist in a javascript object
const obj = {
name: "Susan",
gender: "female"
age: 19
// my go to method as it check it's own properies and properties inherited from the prototype chain
if ('key' in obj) {
console.log('Key exists');
} else {
console.log('Key does not exist');
// if you only want to check if a key only exist in its own properties
if (obj.hasOwnProperty('key')) {
console.log('Key exists');
} else {
console.log('Key does not exist');
// or ES13 method
if (Object.hasOwn(obj, 'key')) {
console.log('Key exists');
} else {
console.log('Key does not exist');
Check to see if a value exist in a javascript object
const obj = {
name: "Abdul",
position: "Manager",
department: "Sales"
// if you know the key you want to check the value for
if ( === "Abdul") {
// exists
// if you want to check alll the key for a value
// convert to array method
function hasValue(obj, value) {
return Object.values(obj).includes(value);
if (hasValue(obj, "Manager")) { console.log("true") }
// shorthand
let isManager = hasValue(obj, "Manager") ? true : false;
console.log("isManager", isManager);
// using the some method against an array
const checkIfExists = (obj, value) => {
return Object.entries(obj).some(([key, val]) => val === value);
console.log(checkIfExists(obj, "Manager")); // Output: true
// a for loop and let you do some logic if found
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj[key] === value) {
// do some fancy logic here
Loop a javascript object
Yes, you will have to loop an object because there is often that backend python/go developer that uses an object like and array.
const obj = {
1: { label: "Enter name", type: "text" },
2: { label: "Enter email", type: "email" },
// my go to as I get a clean key and value back
Object.entries(obj).forEach(([key, value]) => {
console.log(key + ': ' + value.label);
/* Output:
1: Enter name
2: Enter email
// option 2 old school
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
// if you just want to loop of an object and get the keys
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
console.log(key + ': ' + obj[key]);
// option 2 old school
for (let key of Object.keys(obj)) {
console.log(key + ': ' + obj[key]);
Copy a javascript object
There is a quick way and a in depth way. Be careful when using the quick way as it doesn’t do a deep copy and in some frameworks it will copy all the framework added junk.
const obj = {
name: "John",
gender: "male"
// quick way
const newObj = {...obj};
// my prefered way
const newObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));